Palit GeForce GTX 560 Sonic Platinum - Palit GTX 560 Sonic Platinum: conclusions

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Palit GTX 560 Sonic Platinum: conclusions


  Performance: 4,5 stelle
Quality/Price ratio: 4 stelle
Overall: 4 stelle

Palit GTX 560 Sonic Platinum card has made us a very good impression in many respects. With these frequencies has achieved excellent performance positioning that has always attested it to the level of a GeForce GTX 560 Ti. This is due to particularly pushed operating frequencies of the graphics core and memory: the graphics core, in fact, has a clock of 900 MHz while the memories are operating at 4200 MHz.

Analyzing the dissipating system instead it emerged that is able to keep the video card temperatures always good even when operating in heavy gaming, it also ensures that the noise level is very low. During the normal execution of games the card is extremely quiet.

Another point is surely the overall size of the card, making it a strong point. Because calculating the speed performance and considering the size, this card gets the highest marks in the card-size performance ratio. This implies that it can be easily placed in even the most reduced size cabinet, as often happens in micro-ATX or HTPC where those who want a high-level gaming card now can do this without considering large cabinet.

The Palit GTX 560 Sonic Platinum is sold at an official price of 190 € in our Italian market, although it is possible to found it at a price slightly lower in the international shops.



  • Excellent performance
  • Price more than justified
  • Well-managed factory OC
  • Possibility of further overclocking
  • Quiet and efficient cooling system
  • Compact overall size



  • None


Thanks to Palit for giving us the card subject of this review.


Gianni Marotta

Translated by Marco Comerci

Normal 0 14 false false false

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